Augmented Response

Orange County Fire Rescue Department Adds UAVs and Epson Moverio to its Emergency Response Capability

The Moverio Augmented Reality (AR) smart glasses make it considerably easier to pilot a drone safely. Moverio consists of a lightweight pair of glasses that act as a computer display plus a handheld Android-based controller that clips into the drone controller. The two pieces work naturally together, giving the pilot intuitive control over the aircraft, the smart glasses display, the camera in the aircraft and a camera built into the smart glasses. With additional equipment supplied by FlyMotion, others on the response team can view the output from the aircraft and the Moverio camera, using them to plan and monitor the response.

“One of the biggest challenges that Moverio glasses helped us overcome was maintaining that visual line of sight of the aircraft along with keeping the information in front of us,” says Jason Perrigo, Battalion Chief of Training for the Orange County Fire Rescue Department in Orlando, Florida.

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