No Barriers, Just Possibilities

Michigan School District Installs Epson BrightLink Interactive Laser Displays

Bridgeport-Spaulding Community School District, located in Saginaw County in central Michigan, is home to more than 1,500 students across its four buildings. The school district was in need of updating its classrooms and wanted to be sure to break down any possible barriers to high quality teaching and learning they had in the classrooms.

One barrier to installing display technology was having walls that are mostly windows. The rooms are very bright which is great for learning. However, with their old projectors teachers needed the shades down and lights off in order to use them. The district purchased BrightLink® interactive laser displays to help transform every classroom into an exciting space to learn in. In addition to a BrightLink display, each classroom is also equipped with an Epson Document Camera, Lightspeed sound system, and whiteboard that is 5-foot by 10-foot.

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