Supplier to some of the country’s largest home improvement retailers, Dura Plastics manufactures and distributes roughly 3,000 different types of PVC piping components. From a water feature in Las Vegas, Nevada, to an elephant watering hole in South Africa and a sports park in China, Dura Plastics has supplied PVC piping components to countries around the world.
Long relying on black-and-white labels, Dura Plastics was met with the need for a color label solution when one of their large retail customers came out with a new color style guide.label solution that could produce any quantity of customized labels, containing specified text, color and variable data, at the precise moment needed. With the number of SKUsthey work with day-in and day-out, the time constraints and inflexibility of their existing two-step printing process would no longer suffice. Managing an inventory of pre-printed stock turned out to be expensive. Plus, any change in a product or process could render their pre-printed labels obsolete and unusable, resulting in wasted inventory.
Akamine and Ancheta were almost immediately sold on the Epson ColorWorks C7500 on-demand color label printers. “They had beautiful printers printing in color with fast speeds and no waste at the beginning or end of a run. It was perfect,” said Akamine.