Taylor pioneered the use of CNC milling (computer numerical-controlled machining), laser cutting and robotics in guitar construction. Large-payload robots assist with polyurethane spray application and buffing of wood finishes while compact, high-speed robots assemble guitar electronics.
Even with all this technology, hand craftsmanship is still the hallmark of this nearly 45-year-old brand. But steadily growing demand for its products required the company to automate its groundbreaking designs and the manufacturing processes required to produce guitars of world-class caliber. Taylor turned to robotic technology from Epson Robots.
Epson G3-Series SCARA robots are the reliable choice for high-precision applications. The rigid arm design reduces vibration, yielding high-performance results in a compact form factor. Epson has one of the broadest lines of SCARA robots in the industry, with more than 300 models. All are renowned for their repeatability, reliability and ease of use.