Saving Time and Reducing Costs with Epson Moverio Assist

Encotech takes business operations to the next level with Moverio Assist

Encotech began using Epson Moverio Assist, a new “see-what-I-see” remote assistance and inspection solution utilizing Moverio smart glasses to address difficult repairs and out-in-the-field work tasks in a cost-effective manner. “Those hours-long phone conversations have practically been eliminated with the new Moverio Assist solution,” says Encotech Vice President, Jason Lalli.

In the past, Encotech tried using handheld devices for support calls, but they never quite did the trick. With Moverio Assist, field technicians wearing the Epson Moverio BT-300 or BT-350 ANSI smart glasses, which include built-in cameras, could free up their hands to make repairs, all while collaborating in real-time with company experts.

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