The Power of Projection

Wilson Sporting Goods brings Epson laser projection into its flagship retail store

For more than 100 years, Chicago-based Wilson Sporting Goods has been a leading manufacturer of tennis rackets, strings, balls and accessories. They were the first company to offer a racket with custom weight and balance, the first to introduce a leather handle wrap, and the first to make a metal racket commercially available.

“Our tournament store in New York is our retail flagship, where we like to test new concepts and push our thinking,” he explains. Last year Wilson redesigned the two-story space to minimize the amount of product on display but maximize information about the brand. An extremely bright, 8-foot wide image on the back wall helped to draw people into the store. This image was created by an Epson Pro L25000U large venue laser projector hung from the ceiling. 

After walking up staircases to the right and the left of the projected image, fans could watch Wilson technicians stringing rackets to be used on the pro tour, order a racket customized to their game and their tastes, or stand and watch the videos. “We added the big projector to show a more intimate picture of the players, those parts of their personalities you would not see in a match,” Schlegel says. Clips included tennis stars talking about their lives on and off the court, and why they use Wilson rackets."

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