The Inkjet Revolution

Affordable Heat-Free inkjet technology, with its environmental benefits, changes perception of printing

Brendan Primus and his father Richard founded Green Office Solutions in 2005. “We set out to build a company where everyone has an incentive to create a great customer experience,” Primus explains. At Green Office Solutions, every employee has been trained as a service technician, even the office manager, and the person who sells a piece of equipment is most often the one who maintains it. “There’s no place to hide for an unscrupulous salesman,” he says. “We’re revolutionary in the sense that we’ve eliminated a major source of bad feelings for the client.”

Sustainability is another important goal at Green Office, Primus adds. “When we started our company, we couldn’t believe how much waste there is in this industry. Today we reuse almost everything, even making our own packaging material from discarded paper. For what we can’t reuse, we have a relationship with a local recycling plant. They take our old machines and old parts. We have one 50-gallon garbage can for the company, and it takes us at least two weeks to fill it.”

The partners met with Epson® for the first time at ITEX, an industry trade show in Las Vegas. “We examined their printers and saw that they invented a new way to look at inkjet technology." “To be honest, up until that moment we never thought of inkjet as something you might want for your business. But here was a professional inkjet MFP, built tough with a large-capacity ink supply, something that could compete with laser but at a lower cost. It was a whole new idea in office printing, and we like new ideas at Green Office Solutions.”

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